Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spectator Report: Skyline 50K

Great comments on my last "Real Runners Don't..." post! I think the highlight was hearing (reading?) Roadbunner use the term "douche". :P

I met up with Sandra and Alisa on Sunday to spectate the Skyline 50K. I really need to do this more often because I get a big kick out of ringing my cowbell. Plus I think it's always good to "return the favor" since I love when people come out and cheer for the races I'm in. (Especially when I feel like dying!)

Alisa and her hubby were in town from Portland for a major race weekend. Alisa had just completed her first half ironman the day before at Vineman and her hubby was doing the Skyline 50K. I don't understand these kind of crazy people ;)

Here's me with Sandra and Alisa :)

This was a super small race... just around 200 runners. I guess there aren't that many people dying to run over 30 miles across hilly dirt trails. (Yeah, I say "no thanks" myself but "rock on" to the people that do!)

We parked ourselves by the finish line. Sandra pointed out that this was actually a good race to spectate since there wasn't exactly a steady stream of runners coming in, so you didn't have to be constantly cheering and ringing the cowbell. And the cool thing is we could spot them coming down a hill ahead of time so it was easy to keep an eye out for Alisa'a hubby.

The first runner finished in well under 4 hours. What? The first pack of them didn't even seem fatigued when they finished. We liked the ones that were hunched over huffing and puffing because that's how we are when we finish a race! That's all we can relate to!

Eventually, Alisa and her family spot her hubby coming down the hill. Now I know what he looks like from Alisa's blog but mind you, he has no idea who I am. But regardless, I decide to run on up to cheer him on before he makes the last turn to the short stretch toward the finish line. Well apparently he is much faster than me (duh) because we pretty much hit that corner around the same time. So basically I turn onto the path, immediately see him so I just haphazardly cheer his name and ring my cowbell in his face (not literally)! I think I may have startled him a bit but hey he was approaching the finish so I don't think he cared. Meanwhile, I really cracked myself up.

We hung out for a bit longer to cheer on some additional runners. Suddenly, this dude approaches the finish with a big smile on his face. While I ring my cowbell, I realize he looks really familiar. Well, surprise surprise, it was my old roommate who I hadn't seen in at least a year! So that was fun to catch up with him for a bit since I had no idea he would be there.

All in all, it was a really fun morning! Got to spend it in gorgeous weather in a scenic park, catching up with lots of friends :)

Next thing on my list is to volunteer at a race - I've yet to do that and I think that would be a lot of fun as well.

Have you ever volunteered or spectated at a race? Which ones and what was it like?


Nicole said...

i have only ever been a spectator at a marathon-- before i was interested in running them. & i didnt know but one person running so i need to get out there a spectate lots of people i know!! :)

Alisa said...

Awww yay! He really appreciated your spectating and I had a great time catching up with you and Roadbunner.

Julianne said...

I really need to spectate a race one of these days!!!

Aron said...

i loooove spectating! LOVE it! i bet that was a fun one to spectate at too... tris are so fun to watch, there is always something going on!

i have yet to volunteer, i need to put that on my to do list! actually i did volunteer at a tiny tri, but i should at a running race :)

Nicole @ Haute Runner said...

I volunteered at an Ironman 70.3 this past weekend. I was at a bike aid station. It was the neatest experience! The volunteers had so much fun and it was great to see all the participants go through. My hubby and a few friends were competing so I was able to cheer them on.

Jamie said...

I need to volunteer soon! One of those things on the to do list for sure.

Jo Lynn said...

That is a great race. I know quite a few people that run it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I really want to volunteer at a race soon! Maybe we should both volunteer at the same race ;)

Mica said...

Love it! That totally sounds like something I would do while trying to cheer someone on in the last stretch of a race. I bet everyone appreciated your cheering (Sandra's too) and peppy attitude. :)

Also, my verification word is "tushe" which cracks me up.

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