Sunday, July 24, 2011

Changing things up

Don't worry - you're not on the wrong site! I've been wanting to get rid of the dated style of my blog (old one shown below) for awhile now.

So I'm trying something new here. I'm not 100% in love with it so I might keep tweaking things but I like it enough for now.

In the meantime, are you on DailyMile? I've been posting all my runs there starting with this training cycle. You can add me here.

Have a great week!


naomi said...

i love the new header! did you design it yourself?

audgepodge said...

Thanks, Naomi! I did but I think I want to keep playing around with it.

Nicole said...

Mi gusta!!!!

Amanda said...

Fun new design! Dan just found a new running site that he likes that tracks down all the races that he's done. If you're interested, I can find out the name. :)

Kristen said...

I love the layout! I feel like mine is constantly a work in progress as I am never happy. What is your main font are you using?

audgepodge said...

Amanda - I bet it's Athlinks! One of my faves :)

Kristen - Thanks! Yes, I feel like mine is a work in progress, too! :)

The font in the banner is Traveling Typewriter. In the tabs is Homemade Apple. Post titles are in Rock Salt and everything else is Arial. :)

Alyssa said...

It looks so cute! I like it! :) :)

RoadBunner said...

Nice!! I need to revamp mine a little one of these days.

Alisa said...

Oooh love it! I am also revamping! How did you get pictures in the top part, I want to do that too and can't figure out how?

Courtney said...

I'm on the header! WOOOO!!! :)

I like it! I need to redo mine too. I REALLY want a new header but I suck at that stuff. I keep telling myself I'll do it soon...

Jamie said...

I like the new layout!

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